An Uff in an Uff

An Uff in an Uff

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Baby's first Thanksgiving

We had a great first Thanksgiving with Baby Leif. He was showered with so much love and hugs and kisses he didn't know what to do with himself.

Lily and Leif celebrate their first Thanksgiving together

Wait, it's the holidays already??? 

Mormor and her little turkey

The Tryptophan does it every time
Leif is always a happy guy with his Gigi 
Asleep like a baby lion in a tree

Leif with his Great-Grandma Uffelman

This Thanksgiving was busy with Zan's yearly "Turkey Bowl" football game and seeing family and friends. We were able to visit with Leif's Great-Grandma Uffelman and cousins and Aunties and Uncles. As we were going to bed after getting home Sunday night Zan and I started cracking up as Leif lay in his crib in the dark clicking and popping away with his mouth- a new found skill he learned from his Gigi and Popi!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

2 month stats

Leif had his 2 month appointment last Tuesday and is 12lbs 5oz! He is holding his head up so well and tried to roll himself off the Pediatrician's table, since she wasn't expecting him to move so much! He is getting more fun everyday with smiling, cooing and "talking". Man, time is flying by!

Ralphy, I can't put my arms down!

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Election Results

The elections are finally over.  Votes have been cast, ballots counted, and results tallied.  And as you all might have read, there has been some pretty significant aftermath in Washington, especially in the Uffelman household.  It was a close race between Mom and Dad for Head of House.  Dad started out strong but made a devastating blunder mid-campaign by criticizing 50% of the household for not holding jobs or paying taxes.  Mom quickly capitalized stating that 25% was not of working age and the other 25% provided significant services to this household, specifically chasing away mountain gophers, and being furry and cute.
Dad tried to refocus his campaign on his efforts to increase Defense spending but Mom countered postulating that Dad's Krav Maga lessons are not going to make the household any safer.  Mom easily carried the victory.

In other results, I-574 the Legalize Spanking Initiative failed 3-1.

And now, here is what you all came for:  More Leif. 
Bath time!
Leif and Ruby (AKA the 47%)

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Happy Birthday Zan!

For Zan's birthday we did what made the most sense for two new sleep-deprived parents. We went to the Seattle Coffee Festival! We did lots of sampling and ended up being very caffeinated and pretty excited about life. We then watched a football game with Jenny and Gary and had Indian food. A day full of Zan's favorite things!

Leif and the L'Occitane aftershave lotion he gave Zan. Don't ask me why he gives so many French products...I also have a sneaking suspicion he voted for Obama

Zan is the best husband and father we could ever hope for. Even on his birthday he tried to bring me coffee and make me breakfast. What a guy! I don't know what Leif and I would do without him. We love you!!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Portland visit

We went to visit Gigi and Popi to meet more cousins, family and friends. Leif was wonderful and was sweet through the kid and dog craziness. At one point there were about 20 people and 4 dogs in the house!! He just slept through the chaos, true to his Uffelman genes! He was sure comfy in his Gigi and Auntie's arms (thanks to Patty, Kylie, Kara and Joan for their baby-whispering) We had such a great time and can't wait to see you all again at Thanksgiving. We love you! (Also I need to get better at taking photos like an experienced Mama. I seem to always get home and realize we don't have any photos of people with Leif)

With Auntie Joan

Ready for a good snooze after all of the family action

He loves his Gigi and Popi

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Happy Fall and Halloween!

At the pumpkin farm. Not very tall yet...but I think that  lamb is cheating

Leif the scarecrow and Lily the pumpkin

Family photo with a fall motif

Halloween at the Burns' house.  Why does one family own so much  tie-dye you ask?  Ina May would be proud!

Leif got to do many baby Fall/Halloween activities with his BFF Lily bean (aka the pumpkin), including going to the pumpkin farm and sleeping through the tricker-treaters.