I cannot believe how quickly our little man is growing and changing! I need to document all of these things to make sure I remember them when I am old...for I am sure I won't remember. I am having a hard time remembering last week.
He has become more and more aware of everything around him. He is more sensitive to textures and will grab and hold on to things. He loved staring at and touching the moss on the tree during our hike yesterday.
He loves to play, especially with his Daddy. He squeals with joy as Zan holds him above his head and zooms him around. He has started to giggle which is hilarious. No matter what you feel like you have to laugh when this little guy tries to make you smile. He also has started to "talk" to us, to his stuffed animals, to Ruby. When he is on his play mat he will yell at his monkey that dangles down. Only the monkey. It must give him a hard time. He also is shy with his own reflection. He will turn his head into our chest and then slowly peak out to see if that baby is still there.
At 12 weeks he rolled from his back to his stomach. He is elusive when he does this and prefers not to be watched. We got the tail end of it on camera:
He also now is an ambi-turner and will roll from his stomach to his back both ways. He has Derek Zoolander on that one. Now just to perfect his "blue steel"