An Uff in an Uff

An Uff in an Uff

Friday, September 27, 2013

Happy First Birthday!

What could be better than a pit of balls for your birthday?

playing in his tunnel and new castle with Pop Pop (there appears to be good hair genes in Leif's future)

Happy Birthday 

blow out your candles

Friday, September 20, 2013

Leif update

Looking at the cover photo I can't believe that that little baby is now such a big boy. For the last week every night after Leif goes to sleep Zan and I have been staring at him saying "he is so big." 

Our guy is walking now. He started taking a few steps at around 10 1/2 months and now is walking like a little drunken sailor all over the place. He loves to wrestle and be held upside down, and tackle you. He mimics the little high pitched yell I do when I play with him and it is hilarious.  One of his favorite games right now is to find Ruby in the house and searches around saying "dog" until he finds her. At the zoo and the fair every animal was a dog. He also loves searching for the wild bunny we have that lives in our yard and feeding him carrots.
Leif and his best friend "dog"

At the fair with Mormor...working on horse. They were all "dogs" to Leif

Besides dog he also says dada and mama, bun (for bunny), and ba (ball).

playing (which involves a lot of destruction)

cousin love

loves brushing his teeth while we sing the Raffi song (he has 4 teeth)

Gigi got him started on the garlic fries at Mariner's games. He loves 'em

End of summer and so many changes

WHOA! Where did the summer go? From what the blog tells me it was just the 4th of July. Our summer was full of fun and adventures and weddings. LOTS OF WEDDINGS.

First, Emily's wedding. What an amazing weekend of relaxing and celebrating with friends. 

Then Kate's wedding:

Amazing "big city" kid-less wedding

Zan and his ladies

Meghan's international wedding:
diplomacy is exhausting

Finally Matt's gigantic bash