I have self diagnosed myself. I have now broken a total of 3 drinking glasses, my favorite mug, and the french press. I am at a loss for words and the amount of times I have asked Zan the same question, following up that question with whether I have already asked that question have been numerous. The final act to make me sure I was losing my mind was when I left the car door open while we were at the dog park. Yes, I packed up the baby and the dog and just left the door open and walked away!
All of the differential diagnosis floated around in my head. I have never diagnosed myself with so many things, except for a short period in nursing school where I think everyone thinks that they have the symptoms for every horrible disease that you are learning about. It finally dawned on me. We are in the bleary-eyed, cloudy survival mode that is called parenting a 10 week old who has decided sleep is overrated. Yes, we are in the trenches.
Once I settled on that and tried to let go of thinking I must have a horrible disease I could direct my research towards fixing the sleep issue. Sleepwise, Happiest Baby on the Block, Baby Whisperer the resources are endless. Not to mention the scores of "mom chats" online. Everyone using acroynms like "LO" (little one) STTN (sleeping through the night) etc, which has done nothing but make me furious that people use 800 words to describe their situation, but don't want to write out these extra few words. Also these posts generally being full of how their baby is the best and it is because of their superior mothering skills. I have to admit that before the last few weeks I felt pretty smug that I had it all figured out. Leif had started to sleep 5 hour stretches and it had to be because we were doing things the "right way." Parenthood is such a lesson in humility and patience.
But for the moment he is sleeping, and I am grateful.
Good thing it is hard to feel tired and cranky with this little guy
I finally caught him on camera rolling over.
Girl... I hear you. It's so hard to function when you don't sleep. Hang in there love.